Thursday, August 30, 2007

Caption Contest Update!

We have chosen our favorites...Is yours one of them? If so, you will soon receive an email telling you what you won!

But now we need your help to select the winner!

Please vote for your favorite caption on the poll to your right.

Send this link
to your friends and have them vote as well. You can vote once per day until the poll closes.

The person that submitted the winning caption will receive 3 Free Nights at 9 Beaches!

Vote now, and vote often. Tell your friends!

Monday, August 13, 2007

What’s in a Name?

Guests have come up with a wonderful array of descriptions for our uniquely ultra-casual resort experience – “Heaven on Earth for the Down to Earth”, “Back to Nature”, “Perfect Beach Style Wedding”, “Get Away From it ALL” and “Bermuda WOW!” to name a few.

We want more and are willing to pay for them - with really cool 9 Beaches Logo Merchandise (hats, tote bags, etc.) that is. So Click Here and send your descriptions of 9 Beaches in the comments and you could be receiving a FREE 9 Beaches Hat soon. Winners will be announced in our next newsletter and on the Blog.

PS - You don’t have to be a past guest to enter. Our web site should give you plenty of ideas.